Building a Wholesale Sales Machine.
Want to start seeing consistent sales for your brand and stop relying on e-commerce alone?
By joining me for this FREE training you'll learn how Wholesale Sales can bring you less stress, less overwhelm and consistent sales in your product business.
What we will cover 👇🏼
Secret #1
The Why AND How Wholesale is YOUR ticket to consistent sales and freedom in your business.
Secret #2
ESSENTIALS you need to have ready before achieving Wholesale success.
Secret #3
How to not just FIND but LAND your dream STOCKISTS and RETAILERS!!
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We use these FREE Masterclasses to share valuable information and help kick start your journey. 
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 ABOUT Melissa Robbins and thelotco
Melissa has spent the past 25 years working in Retail and Wholesale in the Australian, New Zealand, USA and UK markets.
She has exhibited at over 80 trade shows both locally in Australia and throughout the USA and New Zealand.
Melissa has launched and sold her own brands and retail stores as well as been a National Wholesale Sales Manager, a lecturer in Fashion Business, and most recently has worked as a Business Coach to over 200 retail stores and brands in the lifestyle, homewares, fashion and design industries.
You can hear more about her clients as well tips and advice, interviews and success stories on thelotco business podcast (listen here) and also check out more information on her website
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